Is your brokerage in need of revitalisation? Or resuscitation?

by | Dec 4, 2024

Revitalising high performance brokerages is what we do. This typically involves working inside larger businesses that have grown blind to the embedded issues preventing them from thriving.

A mortgage broking business is like a car. It needs ongoing service and regular maintenance if you want it to perform. And let’s face it. Nobody wants their business breaking down halfway through 2025. Like you, I take my car to a mechanic. A professionally trained person who can diagnose problems I’m unaware of and has the tools, expertise and experience to fix them. 

Your brokerage is really no different. You may be in the driver’s seat, but are you really the most qualified person to pop the hood, identify issues and solve them? No, you’re not. 

Know your role 

The best brokers in the business all have the same thing in common. They are crystal clear on their role within their business. They know what their strengths and weaknesses are. Some are terribly disorganised and couldn’t document a process to save their lives. But their ability to bring in business and develop referral relationships is undeniable. So that’s what they focus on. They outsource the rest. 

If you aren’t clear on your role you won’t have one. You’ll find yourself drifting into all sorts of odd jobs you’re unqualified for, from office manager and marketing coordinator to tech support worker and even video editor. Yes, you read that correctly. 

Time to press pause

You need to get honest with yourself and decide how your business is really tracking. This is where it pays to be specific and measurable. Is profitability where you want it to be? Are you able to take a few breaks throughout the year to recharge and enjoy the fruits of your labour? 

Some brokers will admit that their business basically grinds to a halt if they take a holiday. Others accept they can’t operate if they lose an employee. This is an unsustainable way to run a brokerage. And if it sounds familiar, it might be time to press pause and find a better way of working. 

Revitalisation or resuscitation?

Let’s go back to the car metaphor for a moment. Your business might not need a lot of work done, particularly if you have sound processes and a solid team behind you. The equivalent of an oil change and new filters might be all you need to revitalise and get back to growth. 

On the other hand, you may need a major overhaul. Think new transmission and a timing belt. 

At Auctus we’re basically the mortgage broking mechanics. Successful brokers rely on us to tune the engine room of their business so that they can continue operating a high performance brokerage. 

Process, technology and people 

Just like a mechanic, we run diagnostics to identify problems. These fall into three buckets: process, technology and people. Most brokers focus on technology first, believing it will be the silver bullet for productivity gains. But unless it has been implemented properly and is supporting a documented process, technology can only take you so far. 

The same goes for your people. Just like you, they need clearly defined roles and responsibilities. If their job description is non-existent, don’t be surprised if they’re underperforming. Or worse, looking for their next job. 

This is why we begin with your process. It’s the most important yet elusive component of any brokerage. Without a clear process, you are essentially driving an unserviced business in the wrong direction. Usually in a hurry. 

Christian Paterson, Auctus Coaching

Christian Paterson

Director, Head Coach

I love nothing more than helping hardworking brokers to work smarter and enjoy their business while growing an incredibly profitable and efficient operation.
