Client Spotlight: How this broker achieved his goal of writing 50% more loans, working 3 days a week…

by | Aug 19, 2022

From burntout to blissed out – is it possible for mortgage brokers? (Spoiler alert: it is)

Does this sound like you?

A sole operator with no permanent support staff. Eager to scale and grow your business and team. Believe you must work harder in order to scale and grow your business and your income. Happy to do the work needed but also want to enjoy life outside of the office too.

We recently worked with a broker exactly like this, putting solid processes in place to allow both him and his business to flourish.

The goal: to write 50% more volume, working only three days a week!

The broker has only been in the industry for seven years but comes from an engineering background so numbers are his strength.

How did we help him to achieve his goal?

1.We developed a custom training and onboarding process for how his support staff could best utilise the existing CRM, with customised workflows and automation we built for him.

-> How this helped – when you optimise your CRM to work for you, your team and your processes you can alleviate so much of the heavy lifting and repetitive work so that you can free up your resources to create better customer experiences, deliver quicker results and ultimately write more loans in less time.

2. We developed an automated marketing strategy utilising the ActivePipe inbuilt-API to create a series of innovative lead nurturing campaigns.

-> How this helped – leads are like gold for mortgage brokers so you need a way to maintain a communication channel with new and existing clients. But you don’t want to be using your precious time and people to manage this. Automated campaigns can be completely customised so they deliver the information your client needs to hear from you, while enjoying the personal approach and experience you’re delivering. This is also time very well spent because you’re nurturing those all important leads for repeat business in the future too.

Next steps for this client?

We worked with this client to get the knowledge out of his head and into the CRM so that his new team members can understand where each file is at every stage, and this is something that will ultimately free him up to reach his goal of working just 3 days a week.

In fact, his immediate goal is to enjoy an eight week holiday in Europe and not have to worry about his clients needs not being met. This is completely possible now that his systems and processes (and team) all know what they’re doing.


Want to know more about how we help mortgage brokers go from burntout to blissed out? Comment below, send me a message or book a time with me (click the image below to book in my calendar).  You may also fill in this online form for more information.

Christian Paterson, Auctus Coaching

Christian Paterson

Director, Head Coach

I love nothing more than helping hardworking brokers to work smarter and enjoy their business while growing an incredibly profitable and efficient operation.
