Optimise Lead Conversion with Email Marketing Automation for Brokers

by | Jun 18, 2024

While many brokers chase the shiny world of paid ads, Facebook groups or even traditional print media, we always ask the same question: what’s your process for when the leads come in? 


How will you capture those leads? How will you nurture them to optimise your chance at conversion? How quickly can you convert a lead into a customer? Can you report on these results to inform your future marketing strategies? 


It does not have to be overwhelming and the solution is simpler and more powerful than you might think: 


Email Marketing Automation.


✔︎ The Challenge:

Many brokers face the issue of leads quickly losing interest. By the time you reach out, they’ve already cooled off or turned to competitors. It’s a fickle market.

Plus, leads are a long game in terms of conversion so having a strategy to see you across the finish line is crucial.


✔︎ The Solution:

Automate your initial contact process. Here’s how in 2 easy steps:


📍1.  Integration: Link your CRM directly to your email marketing software. This seamless integration means that as soon as a lead comes in, they are tagged and categorised appropriately. This is obviously a helping hand at the start, but it also gives reporting opportunities later. 

📍2. Custom Email Sequences: Set up automated email sequences that start as soon as a new lead comes in. These aren’t just any emails; they’re personalised, welcoming, and informative. No spam involved! They introduce your brand, outline how you can assist, and most importantly, keep the lead warm by offering a contact booking link – all fully automated.


Your calendar could soon be booked with new client meetings with very little work needed by your team to get there.


Don’t let more leads slip through the cracks. Automate your email marketing and watch your engagement and conversion rates soar. Want to learn more about setting this up? Contact me today for a chat about how to make it work.

Christian Paterson, Auctus Coaching

Christian Paterson

Director, Head Coach

I love nothing more than helping hardworking brokers to work smarter and enjoy their business while growing an incredibly profitable and efficient operation.
