What is thought leadership marketing?

by | Nov 20, 2022

Is marketing without being salesy possible?

We believe it is! In fact, this is what we help our clients to do when we start working together.

The truth is for most new brokers, they have to start almost from scratch when they branch out on their own and might not have much budget to spend. A lot of people we speak to want to pay hefty amounts for Google and Facebook ads and, while this can work for some to generate leads, more often than not, this becomes an easy way to spend money quickly, usually with little to no ROI.

What’s the alternative?

Thought leadership marketing is attraction based. It is not salesy, spammy, or tacky in any way – paid ads, flashy marketing campaigns, and sleazy tactics are not needed here. In fact, thought leadership marketing can mean that leads find you and want to work with you because you’ve already built a level of trust with them. They already have a sense of who you are and what you’re about and they’re more likely to book a call and want to work with you.

What does thought leadership marketing involve?

When you are marketing from a thought leader position, it elevates you to be the leader of your niche or industry and shows others authentically that you can be trusted (through things like case studies, testimonials, stories, and pictures) – it is a subtle way to market your brand and services.

Creating valuable content that your ideal client would enjoy and find useful – blogs, LinkedIn posts, free PDFs based on your target audience’s needs, videos answering FAQs are all great ways to leverage your expertise and experience.

Demonstrating social proof – showing how your services have supported others to achieve their dreams in the property market (avoiding LMI, purchasing the ideal commercial property for their clinical practice, refinancing to invest in another property etc.)

Teaching and educating your ideal client on how your specific services differ from others in the market (what do you know/do that others don’t? How does this directly benefit your clients? For example, do you have preferential rates or connections or a specific process that could serve your audience?)

Highlighting the ‘before and after’ transformation (you are not selling mortgage / financial services, you are selling security through investment, wealth and legacy building, dreams coming true with investing in a property, etc.) When others see what you can do, they will feel safe in connecting and reaching out.

Being simple but consistent with your core message – this builds trust and authority within your market so people can already have a sense of you and how you can help them before they even reach out

Creating an easy way for new leads / potential clients to reach out to you to use your services because you’ve shown them how you can be trusted, and what you offer. A simple contact form, a private message on LinkedIn or even a phone call would suffice.

While this kind of marketing is a long game (it can take months to rank on Google or for your posts to show up strongly in the LinkedIn algorithm) it’s definitely worth incorporating this type of approach into your overall marketing strategy, along with knowing who your ideal client is, what your value proposition is, where your customers hang out online and your email marketing strategy.

We know this can sound like a lot of effort for possibly no ROI but the long-term benefits of having a well-thought-out content, marketing and communications strategy cannot be overstated – it’s like building a house. Sure, you could go the quick route and throw something up quickly to get it done, or you could take your time, build the right foundation and reap the rewards for years to come.

If you’re keen to learn how this type of marketing can support mortgage brokers and how we help other clients do it, book a time below

Christian Paterson, Auctus Coaching

Christian Paterson

Director, Head Coach

I love nothing more than helping hardworking brokers to work smarter and enjoy their business while growing an incredibly profitable and efficient operation.
