Want your emails to be the ones clients actually read (and then book to speak with you)? Try these 5 things:
- Say Their Name: Personal touches go a long way (most email senders will do this automatically with the right settings).
- Make the Subject Pop: Your first, and sometimes only, chance to catch their eye – make it count!
- Show Your Edge: What do you offer that others don’t? Say it upfront. Be bold and show your personality.
- Use Questions Effectively: How can you evoke emotions that will encourage people to book with you?
- Talk About What Matters: Don’t just spout out RBA figures – explain how these actually impact people (and how you can help).
Bonus tip: 6. ASK: Ensure you ask at least twice for the ‘sale’ (for brokers this would probably be a booking link to discuss their mortgage and finance needs). But if you don’t make this clear, and remind them of your services, you’re leaving money on the table.
In a world full of noise (and inboxes full of demands) you must ensure your message cuts through.
Brokers who connect, get noticed.
Brokers who get noticed, get leads.
Brokers who get leads, grow.
Looking to boost your leads?
It’s all in the email.
Get noticed, get read: connect with me today to get started.